
# Do not touch this
config-version: 1

# Set your custom language in lang folder
# If plugin can't find language , it will return default "en-US.yml"
# Even if you delete "en-US.yml", plugin have added default message
# to prevent null exception while the operation is happening
locale: 'en-US'

# Tell player know that amount of items in their inventory is expired
announcePlayerWhenItemExpire: true
  toggle: true
  name: 'entity.experience.orb.pickup'
  volume: 1
  pitch: 0

# Plugin will tell player know that amount of items
# in their inventory is expired while they offline
notifyPlayerWhenLogin: true

# Allow player place timed item as block
# If block is broken, it will not be timed item again.
allowPlaceTimedItemAsBlock: false

# Sets format for expire time
  # Set time zone match with your country, GMT/UTC is allowed
  timezone: 'GMT+7'
  # This will make time separate space when format
  # Ex: 3d 43m 10s
  spacing: " "
  # Expire time format
  # Also applied for set commands
  # Ex: 15/09/2023 22:31:18
  date: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
  # Represents second value
  second: "s"
  # Represents minute value
  minute: "m"
  # Represents hour value
  hour: "h"
  # Represents day value
  day: "d"
  # Represents week value
  week: "w"
  # Represents month value
  month: "M"
  # Represents year value
  year: "y"

  toggle: true
  # Table will be created when plugin is loaded
  table-name: 'item'
  username: 'root'
  password: ''
  name: 'minecraft_timeditem'
  host: 'localhost'
  port: 'default'
  # Connection pool config
    # Số lượng kết nối tối đa trong pool (Mặc định: 10)
    max-pool-size: 10
    # Các chỉ số dưới đây sử dụng đơn vị ms! 1s = 1000ms
    # Thời gian chờ tối đa để lấy kết nối từ pool (5 giây)
    timeout: 5000
    # Thời gian tối đa mà một kết nối có thể ở trạng thái chờ (10 phút)
    idle-timeout: 600000
    # Thời gian tối đa mà một kết nối có thể sống (30 phút)
    max-life-time: 1800000

# Auto sync item to other sub-server through database
# in bungee network when item is added/removed/modified.
autoSyncItem: true

Last updated