
English language

# Do not touch this
lang-version: 1

# What's 'is-default-language' ?
# it will return 'en-US' if plugin can't find valid language
# you set in 'locale: <language-format>' (config.yml)'
is-default-language: true

prefix: "&7[&bTimedItemX&7]"

emptyName: "&cPlease type an item name!"
emptyTime: "&cPlease type a specific time!"
notHoldItem: "&cYou must hold item in your hand!"
invalidTime: "&cNew time must greater than old time!"
invalidItem: "&cThis item don't have expire time!"
itemNotFound: "&cCould not found item with name &6%name%"
addTime: "&aAdded &6%duration%&a, &anew date is &6%new-date%"
removeTime: "&aRemoved &6%duration%&a, new date is &6%new-date%"
setTime: "&aSet expire time to &6%new-date%"
clearTime: "&aCleared expire time from item!"
  pickup: "&cThis item is soulbound to player &6%name%"
  set: "&aAdded soulbound to timed item!"
  unset:  "&cRemoved soulbound to timed item!"
  inventory: "%prefix% &cTotal &6%amount% &citems in your inventory is expired!"
  offline: "%prefix% &cTotal &6%amount% &citems in your inventory is expired while you're offline!"
expireFormat: "&7[&cExpired&7] &b%date-format%"
reloadPlugin: "&aReloaded language & configuration!"
addItem: "&aAdded timed item with name &6%name%"
removeItem: "&aRemoved timed item with name &6%name%"
giveItem: "&aGiving &6%amount%x &atimed item by name &6%name% &ato player &6%player-name%"
setItem: "&aTimed item &6%name% &ais updated with a new item!"
  active: "&aThis timed item is now in infinity mode and cannot be expired!"
  deactive: "&cThis timed item is no longer infinity mode and will expire in &6%expire-date%"
  - "&7- Name: %name%"
  - "&7- Expire at: &b%expire-time%"
  - "&7- Duration: &b%duration%"
  - "&7- Infinity: %infinity%"
  - "&7- Date created: &b%date-created%"
  - "&7- Soulbound: %soul-bound%"
  - "&7- Owner: &c%owner%"
  - "&7- Creator: &d%player%"
  - "&6Rename item successfully!"
  - "&6Old name: &c%old-name%"
  - "&6New name: &a%new-name%"

Last updated